Sunday, March 28, 2010

Comma Splices and Run-On Sentences

The blog. Finally. After pondering, plotting, promising to start one, start one, start one…It. Is. Finally. Here.

And now what?

Oh the question that I think most bloggers immediately ask, as soon as they finally figure out what the ever-so-important title will be.

And um, who exactly is going to read this?  (aside from obligated sisters). It’s certainly what Amy Adams asked in Julie & Julia. And we all know how that turned out. Well, actually I don’t because I fell asleep half way through as I do in most late night movies, despite the company or the characters.

Maybe no one will read it. And that’s ok too. Because, more or less, the reason I wanted to start the blog in the first place is because I actually love to write. And really miss writing, since I no longer have to write twenty page papers on the dynamics of racial politics as they exists in the realm of higher education. Well, I still actually write those papers. I just don’t have to turn them in anymore.

**disclaimer: liking to write and writing well are two very different things. Please keep this in mind as you proceed to read**

I don’t travel the world. (yet). I don’t have fantastical, crazy things that happen to me on a daily basis (yet). I’m not some great political pundit with zealous analysis of all things Washington (no desire to be). But I have passion for life, a willingness to dive in feet first, and do whatever it takes, whatever that means.

And don’t forget I like words.

So, here we are. THE HEART OF HENNA. I’m still tryna to figure out what that means.  But I’ll keep you posted. Promise.


  1. i lol-ed. i like you and your blog.

  2. love the "art" of henna!!! lol

  3. Well let's begin! It all starts with that thought.

  4. Proud of you. Small steps to big dreams....

  5. 😱 I’m nervous and excited!!!
