Sunday, September 19, 2010


 a quick decision, with unnerving waves of consequences
what feels right in this moment, yet haunts long after
for vainly following the heart leads to costly compromises of the spirit
momentary weakness.

a feeling too shallow to be pain,
yet too deep to be anything else
lingering heartbreak.

the glimmer of memory, triggered by a moment of recognition
a fierce recollection of once heartfelt emotion
sharp contradiction felt by the presence of the present

finding footing after the shipwreck
unclipping wings long forgotten
discovery of self

a look of question, yet a heart full of assuredness
a soul ready to sacrifice, eyes brimming with compromise
fear that is natural yet covered in authentic love
the future

 it is only the last if it lasts. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. Perfectly felt and written... reminds of a better - much better- 'Anatomy of...'

    You're a really good writer and even better thinker..
