Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I have recently come across some fabulous new items in my life and wanted to share them with all my loyal (ahem ahem) readers. These things have vastly improved my life and I am almost positive they will do the same for you.

Item #1: The Black Skinny
Like most women I know, I do shop at the infamous Forever XXI and am not ashamed to admit it! Thrifty, trendy—if you look for the right items—and most importantly, they carry my size! Of all the things I have purchased from Forever over the years, my abs fave is the BLACK SKINNY.

$9 plus tax for a jean that fits like a dream and provides a plethora of possibilities? Who wouldn’t love that?! Now, I have to admit that I am a huge skinny jean fan, especially on men. Find me a guy who rocks the skinny with a pair of chucks while listening to this and just hear my heart flutter. Sigh.

I love my black skinnies because 1. they are black and 2. they are skinny. I can wear them to the grocery store with flip flops and a baby-t, to brunch with flats and a tunic inspired shirt, or a night on the town with pumps and pearls.

Sometimes, I pretend they aren’t jeans and try to pull them off at work, but I wouldn’t really recommend that one…either way, it’s definitely my go-to item for now.

Item #2: The Burger King Hershey Pie
Ok so I can’t take credit for this one, because my friend Sam (@eventplannersam for all the twitter lovers) introduced to me it. And like you, I was skeptical at first. A chocolate pie? From a fast food burger place? For only $1.50? I was sure it probably tasted like…well, not good. But BOY WAS I WRONG. This yummy, choc lately, fudgy, gooey, goodness is to-die-for. And I do not exaggerate.

Ask anyone of my family members and/or close friends, and they will confirm what I tell you because I make everyone try it. I love this pie SO MUCH that sometimes I plan my route home around Burger Kings. And I have been known to find a BK late at night just to indulge the craving. Now, this could just mean that I am a Fatty McFatty but I promise it’s the pie. #nomnom.

Item #3: TOMS
Blah blah help people blah. I’d like to pretend that I bought my TOMS (Red Canvas of course) because of the noble mission of the company and because I am passionate about giving back—which I actually am—but honestly I bought them for one reason: I got them at cost from our store. In fact, I went back and forth on actually getting them for a long time but finally broke down and did it.

Two words: Awesome Decision.

Not only is this the most comfortable show ever, but I also feel extra special cool wearing them. I feel like I’m in the “know.” Yeah, I wear TOMS. Yeah, I don’t care if they are RED because I can do that. YES, I have on black skinny’s and red shoes. And I love it.

All jokes aside, they really are great shoes. At first I felt that I wouldn’t have anything to wear them with. And I’m short(er) so why would I wear flat shoes? But you’d be surprised at how many things are hiding in your closet that work with the shoes—and what a cool spark they add to any outfit. And somehow I just feel taller wearing red shoes. So if you’re on the fence like I was, I say do it.

Item #4: Weeds
Yes, Weeds. No, not the pesky things in the yard. Weeds. The awesomest show on Showtime. It’s only like the funniest thing ever. Truth be told, I have a quirky sense of humor. I was obsessed with Ally McBeal and Arrested Development for years and am a huge Modern Family fan now. And Weeds falls right in line with the kind of sarcastic and sharp wit I enjoy.

See, I want to be Nancy Botwin. I mean I don’t want to pedal drugs or make atrocious decisions involving my family…but something about Nancy’s carefree, charismatic personality is just so addicting. So is her addiction to slurping lattes, which I know find myself doing. The comedic timing coupled with outlandish story plots—not to mention my crush—make this show a thoroughly enjoyable experience.

And finally, an obsession rediscovered.

I mean, who doesn’t love fat babies? I hope all my babies are fatties so I can squeeeeeze their chubby little legs. Of course I would love my babies regardless but fat babies are particularly cute to me. Not only do I like fat babies, I even love SAYING fat babies. FAT BABIES FAT BABIES FAT BABIES. In fact, you can call me fat baby. Oh and if you have a fat baby or know of a fat baby, can I please play with them??? I promise to act normal.


Ps-I’d love to hear your feedback on these finds, so comment away! :)


  1. you look hot in skinny jeans. and i want pie.

    Your welcome.
    Sincerely, from my place of employment for providing you with those skinnies. (oh btw- can i borrow them for work on saturday? i have to wear all black.)

    ps- bring me a pie on your way home. and you forgot to put a picture of me (a fat baby) on here.

  3. Haha... You are the biggest dork I know... and I love it! Text me or I'll have to find you on GChat!

  4. I'll Pay you lots of money if you can find me a pair of 'skinny' jeans that fit and long good on me.

    You should see pics of my niece, nephew. You would want to pinch them all day!


  5. thank you all for your awesome comments! <3

    and btw anonymous, i would totally text/gchat you...but, well, i do not know who you are teehee.

  6. omg - i have red toms (what store do you work at that you get them for cost?), i love weeds, i need a pair of black skinnies, totally obsessed with the hershey pie at burger king ever since the days of the atrium and just the other day told the bf i think it's adorable when babies have chub. we are twinsies! - Sandhya

  7. Thanks for the shout out with the pie! lol...but I discovered one ever BETTER than this pie! Didn't think it was possible did you?

  8. btw...i shall share that pie with you as well :)
