Wednesday, August 24, 2011


So if you’re an avid Sex and the City junkie, like most of my girlfriends and me, you already know what SSB is...(season 4, episode 13, circa 2002). But for those few of you “unenlightened” ones, let me explain: Secret Single Behaviors would be those things that some of us indulge in without the consent or knowledge of anyone else, especially significant others. It’s those uncharacteristic behaviors that take place in the hidden corners of our rooms, doors locked, unknown to the outside world or our inner circle. Simply put, it’s things we do that we want no one else to know about because its either too embarrassing or its just more fun when its shh! a secret ;)

Ok so I can’t write this post without divulging my SSB. No, I don’t stack saltines like Carrie or eat tubs of ice cream in front of the tube, watching KKUWTK. But I do blast Natalie Merchant while pouring over wedding websites like and endlessly search youtube for gems like this (<-- click on link!), which by the way still makes me tear up every time I watch.
But as much as I’m in love with Love and Weddings and Bollywood Endings, I think I may be more in love with my secret single behaviors. Or rather having the luxury of indulging in them completely at my discretion. And I have to admit, as a single twenty-something-year-old, I love my life exactly how it is and consider myself blessed every single day.
I’m not saying that I don’t want to share myself with someone else; I most certainly look forward to that part of my life.  And I’m sure whenever that does happen, we’ll have some wonderful married behaviors (WMBs) as well. Still, what I love most about SSBs is that they’re not only things you do by yourself, you do them for yourself. Comforting little rituals or indulgences, just idiosyncratic enough to raise an eyebrow, but innocuous enough that they can’t really be explained—which is perfectly acceptable.
They do say that one day, when you least expect it, you’ll meet that one person who will change your life forever. Maybe I will and maybe I won’t, that’s all in God’s capable hands. But for now, I’m perfectly happy hairbrush in hand, belting some Ms. Merchant, alone in my room :D

Ps. I’d love to hear all about your secret single behaviors, I know they’re slyly hidden away ;)


  1. i cry naked. it's my thing.

  2. i love it. keep up the great work henna.

  3. i love that marigolds and mithai website!

  4. that wedding proposal link is my "go to" happy link when i'm cynical and angsty. LOVE it! :)

  5. I've pondered...not much I would't do infront of other people.

    My SSB, picking ingrown hair out of my legs. Don't hate- we all do it.
