Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Ok so there’s no real mission to Mars. I mean I’m sure Nasa is working on something but since I’m not actually an astronaut, I won’t be missioning to Mars anytime soon.

The REAL mission is to read. Don’t laugh.

Ok fine, laugh. 

I know you never suspected that this amazingly awesome slash infinitely cool person would ever succumb to revealing the true depths of her inner nerd. But it is true. 

Henna’s Reading Factoid #1: Instead of grounding me, my parents would take away my books as a form of punishment. Yes, I cried when this happened.

Underneath this deceiving exterior is one of the biggest bookworms you will ever meet. The kind of kid who, growing up, would arrive at every party with book in tow instead of a purse. The kind of girl who retreats to the corners of rooms to immerse herself in paperback pages, while other kids create mayhem and raucous. And yes, it is true that my uncle--my very own mother’s brother--would tease me about this obsession to no end. Oh and my first “real” job was at the public library.

Henna’s Reading Factoid #2: In eighth grade, I was recognized as one of the top five readers at Friendswood Junior High School. This may have been the culmination of my ultimate nerd status, but the jury’s still out that one.

Reading for fun definitely took a back seat to reading for boredom (aka textbooks) when I started college. For the first time ever, I actually had to read academic jargon instead of absorbing the adventures of the Sweet Valley High twins. And ever since then, I just haven’t had the opportunity to pick up the passion again. I guess life just keeps getting in the way.

Henna’s Reading Factoid #3: Did you know that anyways is not a word? It’s ANYWAY. With no “S” #justsayin

Enter mission to mars. Er, I mean MISSION TO READ.

Simply put, my mission is to read an hour every single day. No matter what. I figure if I can make it to the gym every other day and somehow find the time to watch every reality show on Bravo, then I should most definitely be able to read an hour a day, no problem. I hope.

I also read multiple books at the same time, because I can never just decide on one. Currently on rotation are the following:
•    The Alchemist
•    One Hundred Years of Solitude
•    Nightlight (A Parody of the Twilight Saga)

So let’s see how this works out, and if I actually even finish one of these three books! I’m sure I’ll keep you, oh so loyal reader, updated on my progress. And if you have any recommendations for this bookworm, please share :)

5…4…3…2…1…Blast Off! (that is what the astronauts say, right?)


  1. I loved Sweet Valley High! I was a big reader in middle school but you've inspired me to start reading more now too..there's really no excuse not to!

  2. Nice! I recently tried to get back on this tip to try to read two new books every month... so far, I've honored that (but admittedly, last month, one of those two books was a Batman graphic novel. Don't judge me lol).

    It's hard for me to read multiple books at once, but I wish you the best with your endeavor. Let me know how One Hundred Years turns out!

  3. Yes! Read Emily Giffin's books - start with "something borrowed" then move on to "something blue" - she also has "babyproof", "love the one you're with"

    Something borrowed is also in the make of a movie coming out in 2011 I think. Enjoy!

    Just discovered your blog this morning - love it!
